Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Top Targeted species
Deep Sea Fishing
Catch a Big One in deep blue waters in the Pacific Ocean! Sailfish, Marlin, Dorado, Yellowfin Tuna, are all available in season in these waters. We specialize in trolling bates, casting lures and fishing from our comfortable sport fishing boats with the most advanced equipment; Shimano gear with outriggers, down riggers with up to 8 lines in the water for the best chance of success!.
Inshore Fishing
Along our Costa Brava, catch a variety of native species such as Bonita, Skipjacks, Jack Cravelle, Grouper, Pargo Sierra (or spanish Mackerel) Pargo, needlefish and the grand prize: Roosterfish. We cast along the beach, at the mouth of the Rio’s (rivers) along the rocky shoreline for red hot action!
Rooster Fishing
A very special day on the water is targeting the elusive “Gallo” or Roosterfish! Using spinning gear and trolling live bait along shore just behind the waves, take a chance to catch that fish of a lifetime; Known for it’s power and great fighting, the Roosterfish is one of the crowning jewels for anglers to catch along the Costa Brava!.
Fly Fishing
A lifetime achievement for any fly caster is hooking into and fighting a 6 foot SAILFISH or MARLIN! We use a teaser method to bring the fish up to the boat, and the rest is up to you and your skill as a fly fisherman. We recommend a 12WT to 14WT Fly rod for this species with plenty of nylon backing! Ask us about special flys you might want to bring along for your big game flyfishing adventure.
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